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SkeptiCamp Monterey 2022
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Facepalm – the absurdities of the Truth...
No trace of Flight 93
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Claim There is absolutely no evidence of a plane...
Dragon*Con 2020/Skeptics Track by Claus Larsen
Claus Larsen was invited by DragonCon 2020/Skeptics Track to give a small lecture on conspiracy theories – what are they, why do people believe in them, and what should we do about them?
Sunday Paper CSICon 2018 Claus Larsen and Steen Svanholm
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Steen and Claus presented their newest...
Transcript of debate on September 22, 2012
Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Between Niels Harrit from the Danish Truth Movement, and...
The official account is a conspiracy theory
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Claim The official account is a conspiracy...
The Manhattan Project
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Background One of the most central claims...
The media knew WTC 7 would collapse
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Claim “How Did The BBC Know About WTC7’s Collapse 23...
The audio file with Betty Ong has been edited
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Claim The claim was made by Thomas Nørgaard,...
Was the collapse of the World Trade Center due to fire or controlled demolition?
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Background In this article, the two main arguments...
How to “expose a cover-up”
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Despite innumerable claims of solid evidence...
Radio 24 syv, Again with Jeppesen
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Again with Jeppesen 16. januar 2015 Je suis...
Interview, Steen Svanholm, Fjord TV/Nordsjællands TV
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Conversation with Steen Svanholm about...
Interview, DR P4, Niels Harrit and Steen Svanholm
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On May 23 2012 Niels Harrit from the Danish...
Interview with pilot and flight instructor Pierre Viby
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Introduction Pierre Viby is a pilot and...
How much support does the Truth Movement have?
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook It is inherently difficult to establish...
Fewer passengers onboard the planes than normal
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Claim “On top of the pile of suspicious...
The official account is self-contradicting
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Claim Proponents of the official account claim on one...
100 tons, that’s quite a lot, isn’t it?
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On March 3, 2015, interviewed...
Debate-lecture with Jeppe Severin
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On November 26, 2012, we held a debate with...
Debate-lecture with Niels Harrit
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On October 19, 2011, we held a debate with...
Analysis: "The Official Video: ReThink911 September 2013"
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook In July 2013 the umbrella organization...
Controlled demolitions
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook A central claim by the Truth Movement is...
We are just asking questions
Those who believe that the terror attack on September 11, 2001, in reality was planned by a conspiracy within the American government often defend themselves with the phrase “we are only asking questions”, thus indicating innocence, healthy skepticism and an excuse from coming up with plausible counter-explanations. However, asking a question without explaining yourself is often in itself an indirect claim, since a question can be subjectively related to the topic and the context in which the question is asked. This is precisely the technique that the conspiracy theorists use.
Thermite found in the dust from the World Trade Center
The claim stems from a video clip by the World Trade Center 2 shortly before the building collapses. Glowing material can be seen coming out of the building. This was quickly seen by conspiracy theorists led by physicist Steven Jones as a result of ignited thermite. It was claimed that the material was melted iron/steel.
Flight 93 was shot down
The claim that Flight 93 was shot down is based on debris from the plane being found up to 12 kilometers from the crash site. One piece of debris was a plane engine, weighing a ton, about 800 meters from the crash site. The claim is supported with the argument that the crash site does not look like a plane crash site. There are too few and too small pieces of debris. For comparison, other, even violent, crash sites are used, where easily recognizable plane parts were found.
Steel sections fly horizontally with more than 180 km/h
It is claimed that the World Trade Center 1 and 2 didn’t collapse due to fires and structural damages from the impacts of the hijacked passenger planes. Instead, explosives were placed in the buildings and later detonated, causing them to collapse. Steel sections, weighing many tons, being ejected with enormous force from the buildings should thus be evidence of how powerful these explosives were.
Larry Silverstein ordered the controlled demolition
The claim is based on an interview with the American businessman Larry Silverstein in the documentary “America rebuilds, A year at ground zero”. The documentary was shown the first time on PBS on September 11 2002.
The smoke from the World Trade Center 7 came from the World Trade Center 5
The Danish conspiracy theorist and retired chemistry professor Niels Harrit claims that the smoke from the World Trade Center 7 really came from the World Trade Center 5, proving that the former building was not on fire, and could thus not collapse due to that.
Isolated explosions under the collapse front
The claim is used to support the theory that the World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7 did not collapse due to the terror attack but because many tons of explosives and nanothermite were placed in the buildings prior to the attack.
Highrises on fire have never collapsed
The claim posits that it is suspicious that the World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7 collapsed, since it would be the first time that steel-framed highrises collapsed due to fire. It is thus argued that a conspiracy consisting of the american government was behind the attack and not, as previously established, Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the 19 terrorists.
Signs of explosives in FEMA report
The claim refers to a report by FEMA. The scope of the terror attack resulted in FEMA being tasked to conduct a number of investigations of the events on September 11, 2001. The results of these investigations were published in a report in May 2002. It is claimed that the FEMA report’s steel analyses show sulfidation, oxidation, and intergranular melting, which are signs of explosives.
World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 fell in their own footprints
Niels Harrit, a Danish retired chemistry professor, hints in his lecture about the terror attack on September 11, 2001, that the buildings ought to have toppled like certain buildings have done after their foundations had been damaged due to e.g. earthquakes or mudslides. His argument for an alternative explanation is that, since the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7’s foundations were not damaged, it must be evidence that the official account is false.
Maintenance workers placed explosives in the Twin Towers
A number of companies, among them Ace Elevators and Turner Construction, that were doing maintenance work on elevators at the World Trade Center 1 and 2 in the days before September 11, 2001 should ostensibly have been involved with placing explosives on all floors in the buildings, either by placing the explosives themselves or as a cover for someone else placing it.
Osama bin Laden’s confession videos are faked
The Truth Movement claims that those proclamations where Osama bin Laden admits responsibility on behalf of his organization are faked. A video that appeared in December 2001 is pointed out as perhaps the most obvious evidence of a hoax.
The World Trade Center 7 was not significantly damaged
The claim is used to support another claim, namely that the World Trade Center 7 collapsed due to a controlled demolition.
Air Defense was warned 20 minutes earlier
The background for the claim is that there appears to be sources that point at 8:43am, e.g., the TV station CNN and NORAD itself, while the 9-11 Commission report points to 09:03am.
One of the passengers saw a gun
The claim indicates that the official account is false since that states that the terrorists used box cutters. The official account should thus seek to conceal that it wasn’t untrained al Qaeda terrorists but instead trained people who were hijacking the plane.
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen knew it would happen
The claim refers to a documentary on the Danish National Broadcasting Company, channel DR2, where Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, who was Prime Minister of Denmark on September 11, 2001, should have stated that he knew that the first tower would collapse before it happened. The claim is used to support the conspiracy theory that powerful people knew in advance that the terror attack on September 11, 2001, would happen, and that the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 would collapse, because there had supposedly been placed many tons of nanothermite and explosives in the buildings.
Sudden collapse
The collapses of the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 are claimed to have happened instantaneously and quite surprisingly. This is considered evidence that the buildings were destroyed by explosives.
Pulverized concrete and fragmented steel
The claim points to the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 having been destroyed by tons of nanothermite and explosives placed on all or most floors.
Tons of melted metal at Ground Zero
The claim posits that melted metal/iron is equivalent to the World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7 being destroyed by nanothermite which should have melted tons of metal and helped cause the building collapses.
Volcanic-like dust clouds
The claim could mean that the dust clouds from the collapsing World Trade Center are evidence that the buildings were brought down by explosives. The claim could also mean that the dust clouds were so hot that they were pyroclastic clouds.
Freefall and symmetrical collapse
The claim suggests that freefall speed and symmetry should be signs of controlled demolition, as well as the buildings should have been able to withstand the collapse of some floors due to fire. Since each building collapsed completely, it must mean that they were all destroyed by controlled demolition.
Witnesses saw explosions and flashes of light
The claim is based on interviews with people on the streets near the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. These people have heard explosions of some kind. The Truth Movement uses this claim to support the conspiracy theory that the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 were destroyed with nanothermite and explosives.
The asbestos dust from Ground Zero was declared safe
The claim insinuates that someone is trying to hide that the buildings contained so much asbestos that the cost of removing it would exceed the value of the buildings. It was therefore decided to blow up the buildings and later cover up the subsequent health risks.
Analysis of a petition:
This article takes a closer look at one of the numerous petitions started by the Truth Movement following the terror attack on September 11, 2001. The object is to ensure what the movement calls an “independent investigation” of the events on that day.
NIST left out FEMA’s conclusion of melted steel
The FEMA report is claimed to mention melted steel, which according to the Truth Movement is regarded as evidence that the so-called nanothermite was used to instantaneously melt supporting steel elements in the World Trade Center 7 as part of a controlled demolition.
Procedures regarding hijacking were made slower
The Truth Movement has published a documentary that according to the Truth Movement should prove that the terror attack on September 11 2001 was a so-called inside job, where Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was one of the conspirators.
TV Syd, segment on September 11 2012
During a lecture at Vejle Sports School, were interviewed by TV Syd.
Radio 24 syv, “Wiretapped”, with Anders Kjærulff
Appearances of the editors of, on the show “Wiretapped”, on the Danish radio station, Radio 24syv.
Interview with James Randi about September 11, 2001
The world-famous skeptic and conjurer James Randi visited Copenhagen in the summer of 2010. This is a brief interview about conspiracy theories.
The report about the towers does not include the collapse
The claim was made by the Danish chemistry professor emeritus Niels Harrit during the radio show DR Detektor on the Danish Broadcasting Corporation on March 9, 2011. Niels Harrit claimed that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has not included the collapses of the World Trade Center 1 and 2. Niels Harrit also claimed on the show that the buildings were destroyed by explosives. Niels Harrit repeated the claim on the radio show Wiretapped on the Danish radio station Radio 24syv. The claim is used to demand a new investigation of the events on September 11, 2001.
Symmetrical dust clouds are signs of controlled demolitions
Unnatural symmetrical formation of dust clouds of building parts is seen as evidence that the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 did not collapse as described in the official reports, but were destroyed by controlled demolitions triggered by remote control.
The passport in the ruins
A passport, belonging to Satam al-Suqami, one of the terrorists on bord Flight 11, was found moments before the World Trade Center 2 (South Tower) collapsed and given to a detective from the NYPD. The passport must therefore be planted.
Impossible to identify the terrorists from DNA
Allegedly, it should be implausible that any human tissue or bone material would survive the massive destruction. It would also be impossible to compare surviving DNA with DNA from the terrorists, since they had not given DNA samples to the authorities before the terror attack. Furthermore, the claim suggests that there weren’t any hijackers on board the four planes, which means that the planes must have been remotely controlled or that the planes must have been flown into their targets by the airline pilots.
Tv broadcasts on the Internet tell a different story
It is insinuated that the media also participates actively in the alleged conspiracy and is involved in a cover-up of the truth about the terror attack on September 11, 2001.
Stock exchange speculation
The claim is used to support the overall claim by conspiracy theorists of a world-wide secret organization which not only plans and carries out terror attacks and wars but also profits from them.
Danish physicist supports Niels Harrit
In the time leading up to Niels Harrit’s libel trial in the High Court, a claim emerged that the former colleague of Harrit’s, physicist Per Hedegaard, had changed his mind from thinking that Niels Harrit’s theories were “crazy” to supporting Niels Harrit.
Osama bin Laden is trained and paid by the CIA
The claim is used to argue that Osama bin Laden was working together with a powerful U.S. conspiracy which protects him.
No photos of Osama bin Laden’s body
The claim is used to support the conspiracy theory that Osama bin Laden was not behind the terror attack on September 11, 2001. Instead, it is claimed that Osama bin Laden died at an earlier time, in December 2001, which means that he could not have been killed by U.S. special forces on May 2nd, 2011.
The ruins at Ground Zero did not fit with FEMA’s explanation
FEMA’s premilinary explanation of the collapses was that the fires probably caused the floor beams to fail, which could have caused the floors to fall like a stack of pancakes, thereby crushing the buildings. The claim insinuates that, since FEMA’s explanation does not reflect the real conditions, something suspicious must be going on.
Flight 175 could not fly 950 km/h
The claim is based on the assumption that Flight 175, a Boeing 767-222, was not designed to fly as fast as it did, when it hit the World Trade Center 2. Additionally, it was not possible to control the plane, so that it could hit the building. Thus, it cannot be Flight 175 that hit the World Trade Center 2.
Larry Silverstein committed insurance fraud
Larry Silverstein leased and insured against terror attacks from planes in the weeks before 9/11. Thus, he ordered that the World Trade Center 7 should be blown up so that he could make money from insurance fraud. The insurance sum is claimed to be $5.4 billion.
Heavy rain points to nano-thermite
The claim, made by e.g. Niels Harrit, is used to support a central claim, namely that huge quantities of explosives and top secret military-developed nanothermite were placed in the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 prior to September 11, 2001. Allegedly, the nanothermite melted the metal in the buildings leaving lakes of melted metal on Ground Zero where the buildings collapsed. The claim suggests that the amounts of melted metal were so large that even heavy rain could not cool them down. It is suggested that something caused this heat to last and that this could only be nanothermite.
The top of the World Trade Center 1 was destroyed before the collapse
The claim is used to support the overall claim that the Twin Towers did not collapse as described in the official reports, namely due to the damages from the planes and the subsequent large fires that could not be fought. Instead, the Twin Towers were allegedly destroyed by huge quantities of explosives and top secret military-developed nanothermite which were placed in the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 prior to September 11, 2001. When the nanothermite (and explosives) were ignited, the three buildings then collapsed.
Osama bin Laden was not wanted by the FBI for 9/11
The claim circulated primarily among conspiracy theorists prior to the liquidation of Osama bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011, by American elite forces. It was argued that, since the FBI did not specifically write on the warrant that Osama bin Laden was wanted for the terror attack on September 11, 2001, it must mean that Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with the attack.
Ferrous spheres can only be due to thermite reaction
The claim is used to support the claim that huge quantities of explosives and top secret military-developed nanothermite were placed in the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 prior to September 11, 2001. When the nanothermite (and explosives) were ignited, the three buildings then collapsed.
Shock waves blew out windows 100 meters away and in the lobby
The claim insinuates that the explosions from the impact from the planes were so violent that the planes either carried explosives, or they hit exactly where a lot of explosives had been placed in advance.
The Twin Towers could withstand passenger planes
If the Twin Towers could withstand an impact from a Boeing plane, the reason for the collapse of the buildings must be that the buildings were brought down with previously placed explosives and nanothermite.
Anonymous general confirms the terror attack was an “inside job”.
An American general has confirmed that the terror attack on September 11, 2001 was an “inside job”.
CIA ordered visas for 15 of the hijackers
J. Michael Springman is a former employee at the American Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia. During an interview with radio host Alex Jones, he claimed that, despite him refusing to grant 15 of the 19 hijackers visas for the United States, because they were on a watchlist, the CIA ordered him to grant the visas anyway.
United Airways pilot Buck Rogers lies about cockpit doors
The claim is used to support the claim that the terror attack was a so-called inside job, where top level members of the Federal Aviation Administration and the American Air Force were involved in the conspiracy or, at least, covered for those who were behind.
The passengers could not make phone calls
The claim stems primarily from A. K. Dewdney, a Canadian writer. He claims that cell phones in 2001 did not work above a certain altitude and that there were so many technical problems using them at lower altitudes that it must be considered impossible that the passengers on the hijacked planes could make calls to their relatives and other people.
Passenger manifests are not evidence of the persons having been on board
Jeppe Severin, representative and spokesperson for the Danish Truth Movement, claims that there is no evidence that Mohammed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, and Hani Hanjour, who the forensic investigation named as three of the suicide pilots, were on the three planes Flight 11, Flight 175, and Flight 77. Since those three terrorists from al Qaeda appeared on the passenger manifests for the three planes, it must mean that passenger manifests are not evidence that the persons have been on board.
The third explosion brought down the tower
The claim stems from a Youtube clip of a live television broadcast from the American WCBS. Thomas Torrent from the Danish Truth Movement published on July 19th, 2012 a link to the clip with the headline “The third explosion brought down the tower”. The clip was not accompanied with any comment.
Flight 93 was abducted
The claim is based on a brief article from September 11, 2001 published around noon, local time. The mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, Michael R. White, was quoted saying that a Boeing 767 from Boston had made an emergency landing in Cleveland Hopkins International Airport because it was believed there was a bomb on board.
An Italian president said that the CIA and Mossad were behind September 11
Francesco Cossiga, former Italian President, said in 2007 that it were the CIA and Mossad who carried out Operation September 11, and that this is “common knowledge” in the intelligence community.
The United States Navy was deployed at Afghanistan
The claim indicates that the United States of America already had planned to attack Afghanistan before the terror attack on September 11, 2001.
The National Operations Manager is lying about the air defense
The claim is used to support the overall claim that the terror attack on September 11, 2001, was a so-called inside job, where leading employees in various government agencies, specifically the American aviation authorities and the American Air Force, should have been involved in a conspiracy or, at least, in covering up who was in the conspiracy.
Donald Rumsfeld denies the existence of WTC 7
The claim is intended to support a central claim, namely that the World Trade Center 7 was destroyed by a controlled demolition.
Dick Cheney was in control of NORAD
Vice President Dick Cheney was in control of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) on September 11, 2001. He had the power – and used it – to prevent NORAD from stopping the hijacked planes.
George W. Bush saw the first plane hit the towers
A quote by George W. Bush is interpreted by the conspiracy theorists as if Bush had knowledge of something that the rest of the world did not, given that the video of the first plane hitting World Trade Center 1 was not published until the day after.
The hijackers were too incompetent to fly planes
Thus, they could not have flown the planes as described in the official account.
It is possible to smuggle explosives through security
An article in The Washington Post describes how, in 2009, American security agents from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) succeeded in smuggling materials for small bombs through security in ten important government buildings. The agents then put together the small bombs and walked around with them, unhindered. The article is used by the Truth Movement to support the claim that, leading up to September 11, 2001, huge quantities of explosives and top secret military-developed nanothermite were placed in the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7. It is argued that, since agents in secret can smuggle materials for explosives into federal buildings, there is nothing that prevents the World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 from being destroyed by controlled demolitions.
Black boxes found at the World Trade Center
Two rescue workers in the so-called TRAC-team (Trauma Response Assistance for Children), Nicholas DeMasi and Mike Bellone, claim that they helped FBI agents find and salvage three of the four black boxes from the planes that hit the World Trade Center 1 and 2. It is claimed that the FBI later left with the boxes. The boxes were supposedly found on October 3, 2001.
The hijackers are still alive
The claim originates from an article on BBC’s website on September 23, 2001. The claim is indirectly used to claim that there were not any hijackers on board the four planes but that the planes were remotely controlled instead.
The hijackers were identified too quickly
The 19 “hijackers” were all identified within 72 hours. How is that possible, if there was no prior knowledge of the attack and the 19 persons? Thus, if it is impossible to identify the persons in question within the given time frame, it must mean that the authorities actually had prior knowledge of the attack and the 19 persons.
The planes were remotely controlled
The planes were supposedly not hijacked but overtaken electronically from a secret command center and directed to their intented targets.
Flight 77’s route was suspicious
The claim is used to support the claim that Flight 77 was not flown by one of the hijackers, Hani Hanjour, because the maneuver was supposedly too complicated for an untrained pilot. The claim is thus used to support the claim that Flight 77 was remotely controlled, which again should point to someone other than al Qaeda being involved in the terror attack on September 11, 2001. Instead, the attack was a so-called “inside job”. The claim leads to yet another claim: That it wasn’t even Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon but a Global Hawk drone.
Empire State Building was hit by a plane, but did not collapse
The claim indicates that World Trade Center 1 and 2 did not collapse due to being hit by the two planes and the ensuing fires.
Osama bin Laden’s family was airlifted out of the U.S.
It is claimed that Osama bin Laden conspired with a powerful American conspiracy which protected him and his family.
A “stand down” order was issued, not to shoot down the planes
A “stand down” order was issued which meant that the U.S. Airforce was not to shoot down the hijacked planes.
There were two planes, but three buildings that collapsed
The claim is used to support the claim that the Twin Towers did not collapse due to the damage caused by the planes, and the subsequent planes, and furthermore, that the collapse of the towers showed clear signs of controlled demolitions, where demolition experts have placed explosives strategically in the buildings’ structure. At a certain time, the explosives are detonated, destroying the buildings, with as little damage to the surrounding buildings as possible.
No plane hit the Pentagon
The claim points to something else than Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, which would mean that the terror attack was not carried out by Islamic terrorists.
It took several court trials to release images from the Pentagon
The claim is used to support the notion that a government conspiracy, and not al Qaeda and Osama bin laden, was behind the terror attack on, among other targets, the Pentagon. The alleged purpose of preventing the public from seeing these images was to hide that they didn’t show a hijacked plane hitting the building.
Bush ignored warnings about an attack
The many warnings should have been ignored deliberately by the American govenment, because it wanted to pass legislation that removed civil rights, so that the overall plan for the New World Order could be implemented more easily.
The hijacked planes could have been intercepted by military planes
In 1999, Air Traffic Control lost contact with a Learjet 35 on its way from Orlando, Florida, to Dallas, Texas. On board were two pilots and four passengers, one being the famous golf player Payne Stewart. An F-16 from Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, which happened to be in the area, was dispatched to localize the plane but was unable to make contact. Two more planes were dispatched, also to make contact, but this was also in vain. The Learjet continued its course until it ran out of fuel, after which it crashed. This incident is used to argue that the hijacked planes on September 11, 2001 were intentionally not intercepted by military planes.
Dancing Israelis knew the terror attack would happen
Five men, with Middle Eastern looks, were seen cheering on top of a truck while they were filming the terror attack. The men were arrested but later released from custody. When interviewed on Israeli television, they said that they were only there to film the event. The claim is used to argue that the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, knew in advance that the terror attack would happen.
The fires did not cause building collapses
The final report from NIST on World Trade Center 1 and 2 concludes that the towers would not have collapsed if it hadn’t been for the missing fire insulation. The Truth Movement then claims that “no steel-framed high-rises have collapsed by fire alone.”
4,000 Israelis did not show up for work
This claim is rooted in the myth that Jews are, and have been, behind the largest conspiracies throughout time. When that many Jews don’t show up for work, it must be because they were warned beforehand, as opposed to non-Jews, who then became victims of the terror attack.
Videos from surveillance cameras were confiscated
The claim indicates that conspirators were already in position to seize recordings that might show that it was not a plane that hit the Pentagon.
Plane engine is not from Flight 175
The prominent member of the Danish chapter of the Truth Movement, Jeppe Severin, concludes unambigously that the crashed engine on Murray Street is a Pratt & Wittney JT9D-7A -7F or -7J, and not a Pratt & Wittney JT9D-7RD4, which would normally be the one Flight 175 would be equipped with.
Flight 77 could not fly fast close to the ground
Due to the so-called ground effect, it should not be possible for a Boeing 757 to fly close to the ground at a speed of 500 mph (800 km/h). The consequence of the claim is thus that something other than Flight 77, a Boeing 757, hit the Pentagon after having flown the last part of the stretch at 529 mph (852 km/h) a few meters above the ground.
Osama bin Laden did not die on May 2, 2011
Some believe that Osama bin Laden is not dead at all, some believe that he died in December 2001 from a lung disease and lies buried in Afghanistan, some believe he is kept frozen somewhere in the United States.
Rumsfeld admitted that the Pentagon was missing 2.3 trillion dollars
The claim supports the conspiracy theory that the terror attack against the Pentagon was supposedly a so-called false flag operation. Rumsfeld had knowledge that the terror attack would take place the next day, knowing that the news of the missing trillions would be buried in the massive media cover of the attack. The hijacked Flight 77 was intended to impact the Pentagon at the exact spot where the documents that would reveal the fraud would be. The impact and the subsequent damage and fires were then to destroy the evidence. The claim is also used to explain where the money to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan came from.
Power cut concealed placement of explosives
The claim is taken from a flyer handed out by the Danish Truth Movement and points to a conspiracy having faked a widespread power cut in order to be able to send a lot of people into the buildings to place explosives without being caught.
The bin Laden family and the Bush family are old business partners
The claim is used to support a conspiracy between Osama bin Laden and former Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.
March 12th, 2015: Niels Harrit appealed his libel suit today in court.
A report from the courtroom hearings at the so-called Niels Harrit libel case against journalist Søren K. Villemoes.
Banking ‘reforms’ are coming…
Denne løbeseddel blev delt ud af den danske afdeling af Sandhedsbevægelsen, i11time, ved deres demonstration på Rådhuspladsen den 11. september 2009.