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Truth Movement

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Interviews & lectures
SkeptiCamp Monterey 2022
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Facepalm – the absurdities of the Truth...
Dragon*Con 2020/Skeptics Track by Claus Larsen
Claus Larsen was invited by DragonCon 2020/Skeptics Track to give a small lecture on conspiracy theories – what are they, why do people believe in them, and what should we do about them?
Sunday Paper CSICon 2018 Claus Larsen and Steen Svanholm
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Steen and Claus presented their newest...
Transcript of debate on September 22, 2012
Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Between Niels Harrit from the Danish Truth Movement, and...
Radio 24 syv, Again with Jeppesen
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Again with Jeppesen 16. januar 2015 Je suis...
Interview, Steen Svanholm, Fjord TV/Nordsjællands TV
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Conversation with Steen Svanholm about...
Interview, DR P4, Niels Harrit and Steen Svanholm
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On May 23 2012 Niels Harrit from the Danish...
Interview with pilot and flight instructor Pierre Viby
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook Introduction Pierre Viby is a pilot and...
100 tons, that’s quite a lot, isn’t it?
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On March 3, 2015, interviewed...
Debate-lecture with Jeppe Severin
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On November 26, 2012, we held a debate with...
Debate-lecture with Niels Harrit
Skift til dansk Using How do you get the most out of this site? Truth Movement About Methods Theories Publications Academia Fact sheets Booking We are available for booking a lecture or a workshop here. Facebook On October 19, 2011, we held a debate with...
TV Syd, segment on September 11 2012
During a lecture at Vejle Sports School, were interviewed by TV Syd.
Radio 24 syv, “Wiretapped”, with Anders Kjærulff
Appearances of the editors of, on the show “Wiretapped”, on the Danish radio station, Radio 24syv.
Interview with James Randi about September 11, 2001
The world-famous skeptic and conjurer James Randi visited Copenhagen in the summer of 2010. This is a brief interview about conspiracy theories.