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Lydfilen med Betty Ong er redigeret
Påstanden er fremsat på 911facts.dk’s Facebook-debatside den 26. juli 2017 af Thomas Nørgaard, fysiklærer ved Nørre Gymnasium, København1:
Kære 911facts
Her er en påstand I gerne må undersøge for mig. Tak.
Den offentlig tilgængelige lydfil med Betty Ongs opkald fra AA 11 afviger meget fra den transskription, FBI lavede af hendes opkald på selve dagen den 11. september 2001.
Blandt mange andre er sætningerne “He stood upstairs”, “What operation we are talking about” ikke med på den officielle lydfil. Mange andre ting står i en helt anden rækkefølge.
Her FBIs transskription https://vault.fbi.gov/…/9-11-interviews-2001-09-sep-04-of-08
Her den offentliggjorte lydfil
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icfkIH3j-nkHeraf kan vi konkludere, at der enten 1) Er tale om at der har været 2 forskellige lydfiler eller 2) at den lydoptagelse, der er offentlig tilgængelig, er en redigeret udgave af den FBI transskriberede fra den 11. september 2001.
Er i enige i denne påstand? Vil I undersøge den for mig? Tak.0
Påstanden bruges til at underbygge påstanden om, at Flight 11 ikke var kapret, hvorfor i hvert fald den del af de officielle undersøgelser derfor må være forkerte.
Betty Ong var stewardesse, flight attendant, om bord på American Airlines Flight 112, det første fly, der ramte World Trade Center den 11. september 2001. I tiden op til kollisionen lykkedes det Betty Ong at foretage et opkald fra en telefon om bord på flyet. Hun fik kontakt til to medarbejdere hos American Airlines. Den del af samtalen, der nåede at blive optaget, varer i godt fire minutter3.
Senere samme dag, den 11. september, bliver den ene medarbejder fra American Airlines, Nydia Gonzalez, interviewet telefonisk af en FBI-agent. Undervejs i interviewet afspiller Gonzalez den båndede optagelse med samtalen med Betty Ong to gange. Under telefonsamtalen noterer FBI-agenten ned, hvad Gonzalez siger, og hvad Betty Ong siger på optagelsen.
Uvist af hvilken grund afspilles lydoptagelsen ikke fra starten ved første afspilning den 11. september 2001, men fra cirka 1 minut og 10 sekunder inde i optagelsen. FBI-medarbejderen får altså ikke alt med og må samtidig acceptere en vanskelig lyttekvalitet, da det foregår gennem en telefon. Han tager dog notater hele vejen og skriver så vidt muligt “(UI)”, der står for “unintelligible”, eller “utydeligt”, når der er noget, han ikke kan høre eller forstå. Ved anden afspilning samme dag afvikles optagelsen imidlertid næsten helt fra starten, hvorfor der er en del flere notater og justeringer i forbindelse med denne afspilning, men stadig en del fejlhøringer.
Dagen efter har FBI fået optagelsen udleveret og kan nu foretage en grundig aflytning og producere en komplet afskrift af optagelsen med Betty Ong.
Begge afskrifter, i det følgende kaldet telefonafskriften og båndafskriften, er senere blevet offentliggjort i et samlet dokument af FBI4.
Selve lydoptagelsen med Betty Ong findes flere steder og i flere udgaver på internettet. En af de tydeligste gengivelser kan findes her:
Der er tydelig forskel i kvaliteten af afskrifterne af Betty Ong-samtalen, der blev hørt gennem telefonen i FBI-interviewet af American Airlines-medarbejderen (telefonafskriften) og det, der fremgår af den mere præcise afskrift af FBI, da de har modtaget selve båndet (båndafskriften).
Men når man sætter telefonafskriften og båndafskriften over for hinanden, er det tydeligt, at der er tale om samme samtale, idet kronologien passer. Det er også tydeligt, at der er en hel del misforståelser, regulære fejlhøringer, forenklinger og udeladelser i telefonafskriften, hvilket må være forventeligt, når man hører det i forringet lydkvalitet, og når man tilmed må afspille det to gange, og efterfølgende lave en ordret afskrift af optagelsen dagen efter. Omvendt er der så mange korrekte oplysninger med, at nedskrivningen udmærket har kunnet indgå i den efterforskning af terrorangrebet, der allerede var i gang på det tidspunkt, og hvor det primært handlede om at få identificeret kaprerne.
Note: Txx og Bxx angiver rækkefølgen i hhv. Telefonafskriften og Båndafskriften.
Telefonafskrift, 1. gennemgang | Telefonafskrift, 2. gennemgang | Båndafskrift | ||||||
Nr | Person | Udtalelse | Nr | Person | Udtalelse | Nr | Person | Udtalelse |
B01 | FA ONG: | Number 3 in the back, ah, the cockpit is not answering, somebody stabbed in business class and ah, I think there is mace that we can’t breathe, I don’t know, I think we’re getting hijacked. | ||||||
B02 | AA Agent: | Which flight are you on? | ||||||
B03 | FA ONG: | Flight 12 | ||||||
(UI) Is anybody there? Is anybody there? | B04 | AA Agent: | And what seat are you in? Ma’am are you there? | |||
B05 | FA ONG: | Yes | ||||||
T25 | [ ] | What, what seat are you in? | B06 | AA Agent: | What, what, what seat are you in? Ma’am what seat are you in? | |||
T26 | ONG: | We’ve just left Boston and we’re up in the air. We’re suppose to go to LA and (UI). | B07 | FA ONG: | We’re in flight, we just left Boston. We’re up in the air. | |||
B08 | AA Agent: | I know, what | ||||||
B09 | FA ONG: | We are suppose to go to LA and the cockpit is not answering their phone. | ||||||
T27 | [ ] | But what seat? What’s the number of your seat? | B10 | AA Agent: | Okay, but what seat are you sitting in? What’s the number of your seat? | |||
T28 | ONG: | Okay. I’m in the jump seat right now. 3R | B11 | FA ONG: | Okay, I’m in my jumpseat right now. | |||
B12 | AA Agent: | Okay | ||||||
B13 | FA ONG: | At 3R | ||||||
T29 | [ ] | Okay, are you the flight attendant? I’m sorry, did you say you’re the flight attendant? | B14 | AA Agent: | Okay, you’re the flight attendant? I’m sorry, did you say you’re the flight attendant? | |||
T30 | ONG: | Hello? | B15 | FA ONG: | Hello | |||
B16 | AA AGENT: | Can’t | ||||||
B17 | FA ONG: | Hello | ||||||
T31 | [ ] | Hello, what is your name? | B18 | AA Agent: | What, what is your name? | |||
T32 | ONG: | Uhm, you’ll have to speak up. I can’t hear you. | B19 | FA ONG: | You’ll have to speak up. I can’t hear you. | |||
T33 | [ ] | What is your name? | B20 | AA Agent: | Sure, what is your name? | |||
T01 | ONG: | (UI) This is ah Ong. We can’t breathe (UI). He’s got mace or something. | T34 | ONG: | Okay, my name is BETTY ONG. I’m number three on Flight 11. | B21 | FA ONG: | Okay, my name is BETTY ONG, I’m number 3 on Flight 11. |
T35 | [ ] | Okay. | B22 | AA Agent: | Okay | |||
T36 | ONG: | The cockpit is not answering their calls and there’s somebody back in business class and there, we can’t breathe in business class. Somebody’s got mace or something. | B23 | FA ONG: | And the cockpit is not answering their phone. And there is somebody stabbed in business class and there is, we can’t breathe in business class, so somebody’s got mace or something | |||
T02 | [ ] | Can you describe the person that you said went into the flight deck or (UI)? | T37 | [ ] | Can you describe the person that you said, someone is flying business class? | B24 | AA Agent: | Can you describe the person that you said, someone is in is business class. |
T03 | ONG: | I’m, I’m sitting in the back coming back from business. Can you hold on for one second, he’s coming back? | T38 | ONG: | I’m, I’m sitting in the back, he’s coming back from business. If you can hold on for one second, he’s coming back. | B25 | FA ONG: | Ah, ah, I’m sitting in the back, somebody is coming back from business. If you can hold on for one second. |
B26 | AA Agent: | Certainly. | ||||||
T04 | Unintelligible noise in the background. | T39 | Unintelligible noise in the background. | B27 | FA ONG: | (In background:) They want to know who’s….I don’t know but Karen and Bobbie got stabbed. | ||
B28 | (Lots of talking with other individuals at this point) | |||||||
T05 | ONG: | On, on number one. He stood upstairs (UI). Ah, nobody knows what he’s going to do. (UI) Ah, I’m (UI) is his (UI) right now. (UI) Ah, we can’t get to the cockpit, the door won’t open. Hello? | T40 | ONG: | Our, our number one who (UI) stabbed. Or, something stabbed. Ah, nobody knows who stabbed who and we can’t even get up to business class because nobody can breathe. Our number one in (UI) stabbed right now. In number five. The first class passenger that, ah first ah class galley flight attendant and our passenger is stabbed. We can’t get to the cockpit, the door won’t open. Hello? | B29 | FA ONG: | Our number 1 got stabbed. A person is stabbed, nobody knows who stabbed who and we, we can’t even get up to business class right now, cause nobody can breathe. Ah, our number 1 is stabbed right now. |
B30 | AA Agent: | Okay | ||||||
B31 | FA ONG: | Our number 5, our first class passengers are, our first class, our galley flight attendant and our purser has been stabbed. And we can’t get into the cockpit, the door won’t open. Hello? | ||||||
T06 | [ ] | Can you (UI) information relative to ah, you know, force, force that. Uhm, at this point? What operation, what flight are we talking about, Flight 12? | T41 | [ ] | Yeah, we’re getting all the information. We’re also, you know, of course, recording this. Uhm, at this point? | B32 | AA Agent: | Yeah, I’m taking it down, all the information, we’re also ah, you know of course recording this, ah, at this point |
T42 | [ ] | This is operations. What flight number are we talking about? | B33 | OP Agent: | This is operations, what flight number are we talking about? | |||
T43 | [ ] | Flight 12. | B34 | AA Agent: | Flight 12 | |||
T44 | [ ] | Flight 12, okay. | B35 | OP Agent: | Flight 12, okay | |||
T07 | ONG: | Right now? Okay. We’re on Flight 11 right now. Flight 11. | T45 | ONG: | Okay, we are Flight 11 right now. This is Flight 11. | B36 | FA ONG: | We’re on flight 11 right now. This is flight 11. |
T08 | [ ] | Flight 11, okay. | T46 | [ ] | This is Flight 11, okay. | B37 | AA Agent: | It is flight 11, I’m sorry NYDIA. |
T09 | ONG: | (UI) we are working on | T47 | ONG: | Boston to Los Angeles. | B38 | FA ONG: | Boston to Los Angeles |
T10 | [ ] | Yeah. | T48 | [ ] | Yeah. | B39 | AA Agent: | Yes |
T11 | ONG: | One of the flight attendants (UI) has been stabbed. | T49 | ONG: | And the one that has been stabbed and our flight attendant has been stabbed. | B40 | FA ONG: | Our number 1 has been stabbed and our 5 has been stabbed. Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? We can’t even get into the cockpit. We don’t know who’s up there. |
T12 | [ ] | Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? | T50 | [ ] | Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? | |||
T13 | ONG: | We can’t even get a manager to the cockpit. We don’t know what’s going on up there. | T51 | ONG: | We can’t even get into the cockpit. We don’t know who’s up there. | |||
T14 | [ ] | (UI) keep the door closed and | T52 | [ ] | (UI) keep the door closed and | B41 | AA Agent: | Well if they were shrewd they would keep the door closed and.. |
T15 | ONG: | Okay. | T53 | ONG: | I’m sorry? | B42 | FA ONG: | I’m sorry? |
T16 | [ ] | (UI) Did you seen the girl who got stabbed? | T54 | [ ] | Can they not see the girls get upset? | B43 | AA Agent: | Would they not maintain a sterile cockpit? |
T17 | ONG: | I think the guys are up there. They might have gone, they are on their way up there or, or something. Nobody can call the cockpit to see if we can get inside. Hey, is anybody still there? | T55 | ONG: | I think the guys are up there. They might have gone or they are on their way up there or, or something. Somebody can call the cockpit. We can’t even get inside. Is anybody still there? | B44 | FA ONG: | I think the guys are up there, they might have gone or jammed their way up there or something, nobody can call the cockpit, we can’t even get inside. Is anybody still there? |
T18 | [ ] | Yes, I’m still here. | T56 | [ ] | Yes, we’re still here. | B45 | AA Agent: | Yes, we’ll still here. |
T19 | ONG: | Okay, I’m staying on the line as well. | T57 | ONG: | Okay, I’ll stay on the line as well. | B46 | FA ONG: | Okay, I’m staying on the line as well. |
T20 | [ ] | Okay. | T58 | [ ] | Okay. | B47 | AA Agent: | Okay. |
T21 | [ ] | (UI), who is calling reservations? Is it a flight attendant, or who? (UI) | T59 | VANESSA: | (UI) who is calling reservations? Is it a flight attendant or who? | B48 | OP Agent: | Hi, how is calling reservations? Is this one of the flight attendants or who, who are you, hon? |
T22 | [ ] | We need for (UI) call. | ||||||
T60 | [ ] | I believe her name is BETTY ONG. | B49 | AA Agent: | She gave her name as BETTY ONG. | |||
T61 | VANESSA: | BETTY. | B50 | OP Agent: | Betty | |||
T23 | ONG: | I’m number three. I’m number three on this flight. (UI) on this flight and (UI) Flight 11 (UI). Have you guys called anyone else? You know, ah somebody’s calling medical and we can’t get them. | T62 | ONG: | I’m number three, I’m number three on this flight. (UI) on this flight. | B51 | FA ONG: | I’m number 3, I’m number 3 on this flight |
IP address : Server timestamp : Thursday 24th of January 2019 02:46:09 PM | B52 | OP Agent: | You’re the number 3 on the flight. | |||||
T63 | [ ] | Yeah. | B53 | FA ONG: | Yes | |||
B54 | OP Agent: | And this is flight 11, from where to where? | ||||||
T64 | ONG: | I’m Flight 11. | B55 | FA ONG: | Flight 11. | |||
T65 | [ ] | From where to where? Have you guys called anyone else? | B56 | OP Agent: | Have you guys called anyone else? | |||
T66 | ONG: | No, we’re just calling medical and we can’t get | B57 | FA ONG: | No. Somebody is calling Medican and we can’t get |
Der er derfor intet, der tyder på, at der skulle være tale om to forskellige lydoptagelser i de to afskrifter, og der er heller intet der tyder på, at der skulle være redigeret i optagelsen.
Hvis FBI havde ændret eller udskiftet optagelsen med Betty Ong, ville FBI omgående afsløre sig selv ved at offentliggøre et dokument, hvor begge afskrifter var inkluderet. Årsagen til, at begge versioner er med, er formodentlig, at man ønsker at fremlægge så meget som muligt fra den kriminaltekniske efterforskning.
Ved at pege på den første FBI-afskrift som værende udtryk for de faktiske hændelser men ved også at afvise den anden FBI-afskrift som manipuleret, anser Thomas Nørgaard FBI for både at være en troværdig kilde og en utroværdig kilde.
Påstanden modsiger en række andre konspirationsteoretiske påstande, som indebærer, at der hverken skulle være kaprere eller fly involveret i angrebet på World Trade Center den 11. september 2001, idet påstanden her jo anerkender, at det er en samtale med en stewardesse om bord på et af de fly, der blev brugt i angrebet, og som ifølge begge afskrifter var kapret.
Påstanden er med andre ord:
- Falsk
- Ulogisk
- Selvmodsigende
- Lærerstab, Ørestad Gymnasium
- Flight 11, passagerliste
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUpG5CMbQRw
- Afskrift af telefonsamtale med Betty Ong
Q & A